

Please rest assured knowing that this blog does not collect any personal information from its readers. I FULLY respect your need and right for privacy.


January Hart is associated with a few affiliate programs. Clicking on certain links on this site or any related social media platforms may result in a commission for January Hart. However, ALL opinions expressed here are solely my own. Thank you so much for supporting the brands that allow me to keep this blog running.


As a blogger, I love collaborating with like-minded companies. Please send an email with the subject COLLABORATION to january@januaryhart.com if you have an upcoming project that you think would be perfect for January Hart.

Sponsored Posts

I’m always more than happy to team up with like-minded brands or companies that are a good fit for my readers and my brand. Posts will be written by January and all opinions will be her own. Please send an email with the subject SPONSORED POST to january@januaryhart.com for more information on pricing, etc.


Please be thoughtful should you use any images taken from this blog. If you see something you like, I would love for you to pin, re-post, tweet, or Facebook it out. I ask that you please link it back to the original content here on January Hart. All photos, content and designs must be credited and linked back to the original post with written permission. If you are in question for any reason, simply email me. I’d love to hear from you!

Also, please be aware that any products shown/styled that have been gifted to me as part of this blog will always be denoted with a “c/o” next to the item’s link. Again, all opinions expressed will always be my own.

FTC DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS. I aim to provide unbiased editorials. However, I wish to disclose that (i) I sometimes receive free products from marketers that I sometimes review or discuss in our editorials, and (ii) I may run advertisements on my site concerning some of those products or companies that sell them (and other products sold by such companies) for which I sometimes receive compensation.