My Cup Runneth Over

Family Photo | January Hart Blog

Family photo | January Hart Blog

(Photography via Natalie.S.Miller Photography)

One of the things I want to do more of in 2017 here on the blog is get a little more up close and personal with you guys. (Scout’s honor I’ll never get too TMI with ya though, so fear not! ha!)

I want to share more of my life happenings with you guys…my struggles, my wins, things I’m striving for, more lifestyle topics and I also want to share more of my sweet family with you. Who knows, I might even pull a “mom and me” fashion post on ya! I’ve got some handsome and stylish little men in my life. Fortunately, they got two scoops of the fashion genes from both Pete and I. Just to give you a little insight, when I met my husband, he had regularly scheduled manicures. I remember being stunned by that fact at the time. Ha!

Three men and a lady…

So, meet my little family, you guys. My husband is Pete, our oldest is Pierce and Reeves is our youngest. They make my world complete and I honestly can’t even imagine a day without ANY of them in my life. They give me purpose and more love than you can possibly imagine on a daily basis.

Family Photo | January Hart Blog

Family Photo | January Hart Blog


This man….this man is my rock, that’s all there really is to it. He takes care of our boys and I like nobody’s business! We are only second to his relationship with God. After that, he is ALL about this sweet family and the home we’ve built together.

We dated for five years before getting married and this March marks 15 years married. So I’ve been with this man for 20 years. That fact still blows my mind. Where have the years gone? We have(and will always continue to have) our times of peaks and valleys, but the love and commitment is always, always there.

God certainly provided more than I deserved when He thoughtfully placed that man in my life and I am grateful daily that He did. It’s frightening to think where my life would have gone had He not done that.

Pete is the Executive Director in his place of business and is also the worship leader at our church. And although he doesn’t believe in pats on the back or being recognized for things, I’ll just go ahead and make him mad by saying that I’m so proud of all that he’s done and accomplished in his life. He is a man of great character and I’m so blessed that our children get to witness such a great godly example in our home.

Now, is he perfect? Heck no. But he is definitely perfect for me. God knew just what I would need in a life partner when he put us together.


Family Photo | January Hart Blog


Pierce, my oldest. The spitting image of his dad’s personality. It’s kinda comical just how much his personality reflects Pete’s. Their tendency to lean rather heavily on the, how should I call it?, the “impatient” side…their Type A ways….the way things have to be “just so” or things are just not right in their world. But he also gets his smarts from his dad too which makes me very happy. He’s definitely my little “Intellectual” and the boy has a photographic memory that astounds me quite regularly.

He’s also showing great promise in the area of music just like his dad. I love to hear him singing in his room when no one else is around. It’s the sweetest sound to this mom’s ears, I have to tell you.

He’s the early riser in our house. Always has been. At 5:30 am, you’ll find him each morning, awake and fully dressed watching videos or playing video games laughing profusely at something he’s seen. It doesn’t get much more “morning person” than this little man.

He’s one of a kind, this handsome, sensitive boy of mine. Love him to pieces.


Sun Flare Family Photo | January Hart Blog

Family Photo | January Hart Blog


Reeves. Now, I have a confession to make. When I was pregnant with him, I had my heart ABSOLUTELY set on finally getting my “girl” baby. I just felt like it was my destiny, to be a “girl mom” too. With all the ultra girly tendencies I had going, I thought God surely had a little pink bow-headed baby in store for us.

So, I can admit this now years later…..when we went to the ultrasound to find out what we were having the second time around and I saw that little “turtle” part, as they call it in the ultrasound room, I busted out crying, you guys. We had our regular doctor’s appointment right after the ultrasound and when my doctor saw my reaction she looked at me like I had four heads for being so upset about it! Ha!

But, let me tell you…God SO knows what He’s doing. I could not imagine having ANY other baby except the one I got that second time around. Reeves IS my heart, if I’m honest. Not sure if it’s because he’s the baby or what, but I look at him and just melt EVERY. Single. Day.

He’s a definite boy’s boy….all the rough edges are there, but then he has the softest, sweetest side for his momma. He and I’s biggest argument is generally who loves the other more. We can go on for several minutes battling that out with “no I do, no I do…”.

He’s my little hip hop dancer and currently, Justin Bieber’s biggest fan. He lives for all things nerf and has an obsession with chocolate milk like you wouldn’t believe. I cherish snuggling up with him at night at bedtime and having our little mom-son chats. Those are the moments I love the most. Those are the moments when he will really let his guard down and let me know what’s going in that little head of his. And I already dread when these moments will come to an end as he gets older and no longer needs mom to tuck him in.

But, I try not to worry, because both of my sweet boys have assured me that they would never DREAM of ever, ever leaving me or our home. Whew! At least I have that. 🙂


Family Photo | January Hart Blog


Thanks for reading along and letting me introduce my very favorite humans in the world to you today! I look forward to including them in some fun upcoming posts soon! XO




  1. January 10, 2017 / 6:47 pm

    Awe……a beautiful family that God has created to be as it is. Just gorgeous!!! Thanks for sharing your family with us your followers.

  2. Gale Swanson
    January 11, 2017 / 4:13 am

    So very sweet!!! So happy to get to know your family!!!

  3. Ruthie
    January 11, 2017 / 2:41 pm

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us!!!! You all are so perfect!! I love that your hubs is a worship leader and I LOVE everyone’s names!!!! Many blessings to you all. May your cup continue to run over!!!!

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