Celebrating Another Year Older + The Weekly Linkup

Celebrating Another Year Older + The Weekly Linkup

rose gold velvet blazer




pink velvet blazer for women


So it’s the middle of February and I’m just now getting a chance to post about this little day trip to New Orleans for my birthday last month.  While we don’t always have the opportunity to do all of our photo shoots there, we made a special effort to do it for the special occasion of turning another year older.

While I don’t ever want to get to the place where I dread turning another year older, I also don’t expect all the hoopla every year like I once I did. ha! I’ve started viewing each new year as the gift it is. It’s another year to grow–as a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend to those closest in my life.


rose gold sequin camisole


And to be truthful, after years of yoyo-ing in my walk with God throughout my younger years, I can finally say that I feel confident in who I am in Christ. Do I have days that I still struggle with self-doubt? Yup. But the difference now is that I quickly snap back to knowing how He sees me. While I may only see imperfections on top of imperfections, both inside and out, He no longer sees those things. All He sees the righteousness of His own son instead.

Now, that knowledge didn’t always have the impact on me that it does now. But, it now brings me so much comfort and allows me the freedom to live each day being exactly who God created me to be. And guys, not to sound too campy or anything, but that’s been such amazing feeling.


styling white denim for spring


Something else I’m learning to recognize about myself is that while I adore the friends I have, I don’t always do a great job of communicating with them as often as I should. I’ve always blamed it on my introverted personality. You see, I truly enjoy spending time alone…always have since I was a young teenager. Having said that though, I once read that to HAVE a friend, you have to BE a friend first. So, working on keeping regular contact with my girlfriends is something that I have to really be intentional about, because I truly do love and value each one of them in my life.


French Quarter New Orleans


How do you feel about birthdays these days? Do they still hold that magical feeling that they once did growing up?

Or do you just try your best to get them to pass without anyone knowing? Ha!


Velvet Blazer and white denim

pink sequin cami womens

Velvet jacket outfit ideas

neutral sandal heels for spring

Day trip to New Orleans

terracotta velvet blazer womens

(Photography by Vivid Dreams Photography)

Similar Velvet Blazer || Similar Cami || White Denim || Similar bag || Heels || Bracelets || Ring || Earrings


*Post may contain affiliate links. This means that I may make a small commission if you purchase through these links. I only feature products and brands on my site that I truly love and use. Thank you for supporting this blog and the brands that make it possible.


The Weekly Link up…

Larissa, Jacqueline and I post our link-ups every Thursday! Each week we style a specific theme and share it with our readers + fellow bloggers alongside a special guest host. We love the community it encourages and learning about everyone’s unique take on a specific trend. Come back weekly to visit us!

Weekly Link Up


1. We kindly ask that you follow the three hosts: Larissa from Living in Color on Bloglovin’, Jacqueline from Stylin’ In St. Louis via Bloglovin’, January from January Hart on Bloglovin’, and our guest host Elizabeth of Lizzie in Lace (The first 4 links in the link-up.)

2. Please link back to Larissa, Jacqueline and January’s blog on the post you linked to, stating that you joined in on the fun over at Spotlight Weekly.

3. Enjoy reading other blogs and make new blogger friends!

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  1. Lydia
    February 22, 2018 / 9:13 am

    Your outfit location is so perfect with your look – I adore the velvet blazer. And happy birthday!

  2. February 22, 2018 / 3:32 pm

    Your outfit is beautiful. I love the velvet blazer and the color is really gorgeous on you!

  3. February 22, 2018 / 4:26 pm

    Well, happy belated birthday!! These photos are so pretty and I am loving everything about this look! Velvet and sequins? Yes, Please!! Gorgeous!

    xx, Elise

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