*Post contains affiliate links. This means that I will make a small commission if you purchase through these links. I only feature products and brands on my site that I truly love and use. Please know that this does not increase the product price for you as the consumer. Thank you for supporting this blog and the brands that make it possible.
Wild week, right? How are you guys doing with the #socialdistancing task so far?
I gotta say that I thought the first week would be much worse than it ended up being and I think so much of it for me was being able to continue my daily workouts. I think we all have and work best within our regular routines. For me, my morning workout sets the tone for the rest of my day and keeps me upbeat and energetic.
It’s taken a few days of adjustment to get things (and my attitude!) set up in our garage for working out, but I’m thankful for the ability to keep some sense of normalcy to my days right now as we all are mandated to stay home as much as possible these next few weeks.
I began posting a few of my daily workouts this week over on my Instagram stories and you guys seemed to find those helpful. I’ll work to continue with that and get an even better and more consistent system for sharing those with you all in the days and weeks to come.
Below is one of the workouts I posted. I’ll try to post some video clips of each of the moves for you as well as much as I can. Be sure to check in over on my stories daily for those! I’ll also have any workout info on my highlights as well that you can always refer back to should you need it.
If you’re new to working out from home or want to incorporate some more varying and challenging moves, the tools below are perfect for a small space at home to work out in. More good news! They all can be found via Amazon Prime AND they won’t break the bank.
Along with some dumbbells, I have and use most of these equipment picks daily here at home and love having access to them.
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Let me know if you have any questions or any suggestions on how I can help you with your fitness goals while we get through this rough patch.
My personal goal is to not only maintain my strength during this time, but to GROW my strength during it as well! Because we can do hard things, ladies! I’ll be here cheering you on from a safe social distance! Ha!
Stay well, friends!