A Trip to the Produce Market

      Hey friends! Life has been a bit hectic with end of the school year activities the past couple of weeks. Hence the…

The Drifter Hotel {New Orleans}

      Sometimes, you just gotta put press the ‘hold’ button on life and head out of town for a therapeutic weekend laughing and…

3 Tips for Surrendering the Need for Control

      Hey friends! How are ya? It’s been a week and a half since I’ve been able to post here on the blog…

Life Update: The Longest Week of my Life

      What an absolute whirlwind of a week it’s been here, you guys. I’ve been working on gathering up the energy to post…

Valentines Day + The Story of Us

      Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! Have big plans for the night or are you keeping it low key like us with a home…

5 Tips for Practicing Self Love + The Weekly Linkup

      With Valentine’s Day coming up quickly, our thoughts naturally turn to the topic of love…..loving our spouses, our children, and our friends.…

Mom Talk: Embracing the Uniqueness of our Children

. . So this post has been sitting on the back burner for quite some time now for some unknown reason. I guess I’ll just…